Spaztic is pronounced "SPAS-tick". It's an adjective that describes someone when they spaz out for no good reason. here's an example...
*I come up to mom* "Hey Mom, ca-"
"WHAT?! I'm busy!"
Spaztic is a description of someone who you should steer clear from
What. Ever.
1. Of, relating to, or characterized by spasms: a spastic colon; a spastic form of cerebral palsy.
2. Affected by spastic paralysis.
3. Offensive Slang Clumsy or inept.
Yeah... I know that's a word... So... What. Ever. It doesn't mean the same thing anyway
I take issue with the "for no good reason" part of your post. In my experience, moms are nearly always engaged in something important and should not necessarily be interrupted.
Blasted kids should be seen and not heard. ;-)
I love you, Sweetie!!
Thank you, MM. At least SOMEONE around here understands me!
What were you going to ask her anyway?
I Know!!!!!!!! WAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
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